Whether you’re preparing for your next business trip or packing
for a family vacation abroad, the TigerSwan GuardianAngel smartphone app can
provide you the confidence, safety and peace-of-mind you need to enjoy the
experience you and your loved ones deserve.
Supported by the 24/7 TigerSwan Global Security OperationsCenter, the GuardianAngel app provides you round-the-clock safety and threat
management no matter where or when you’re traveling. GuardianAngel provides you
real-time location identification that includes constant situational tracking
and monitoring wherever you happen to be, as well as a direct connection to the
TigerSwan emergency response center manned by those with years of military and
law enforcement crisis expertise.
When you upload and
activate the GuardianAngel app on your device, you’re equipped with a
state-of-the-art global monitoring and threat management tool that helps you
ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones wherever you happen to be.
With GuardianAngel,
you’re never traveling alone, as this amazing technology serves as the
“unblinking eye” you need to put your focus where it belongs.