gathering is an essential component of both crisis prevention and crisis
response, explains TigerSwan founder and CEO, James Reese. In fact, knowing
what is being said about you often allows you to catch a negative “trend” that,
if unchecked, turns into a crisis.
explains James Reese, leading TigerSwan executive, monitoring feedback from all
stakeholders during a crisis allows you to accurately adapt your strategy and
require monitoring systems be established in advance. For traditional and
social media, Google Alerts are the no-cost favorite, but there are also free
social media tracking apps available. In fact, there a variety of paid
monitoring services that provide not only monitoring, but also the ability to
report results in a number of formats. Monitoring other stakeholders means
training personnel who have front-line contact with stakeholders (e.g.,
customer service) to report to decision makers on your crisis communication
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